The English alphabet - pronunciation and phonetic notation
A, a - (əɪ)
B, b - (bɪ)
C, c - (sɪ)
D, d - (dɪ)
E, e - (ɪ:)
F, f - (əf)
G, g - (dʒɪ)
H, h - (əɪtʃ)
I, i - (ɑɪ)
J, j - (dʒəɪ)
K, k - (kəɪ)
L, l - (əl)
M, m - (əm)
N, n - (ən)
O, o - (əou)
P, p - (pɪ)
Q, q - (kɪu)
R, r - (ɑ:) (British pronunciation);
R, r - (ɑ:r) (American pronunciation)
S, s - (əs)
T, t - (tɪ:)
U, u - (ɪu)
V, v - (vɪ:)
W, w - (dʌbəlɪu)
X, x - (əks)
Y, y - (wɑɪ)
Z, z - (zəd) (British pronunciation);
Z, z - (zɪ:) (American pronunciation)
* Note: It's a frequent habit among the English/Americans to spell the double sounds not by voicing the same letter two times over (e.g.. oo in "moon", nn in "nanny", ll - in "mill", etc.). Instead they use the form denoting doubling ("double") of a given sound (double o - "moon", double n - "nanny", double l - "mill").
At the same time it should be noted and not to confuse the word of "double" with the pronunciation of the letter of W.