The English Alphabet

The English alphabet - pronunciation and phonetic notation

A, a - (əɪ)

B, b - (bɪ)

C, c - (sɪ)

D, d - (dɪ)

E, e - (ɪ:)

F, f - (əf)

G, g - (dʒɪ)

H, h - (əɪtʃ)

I, i - (ɑɪ)

J, j - (dʒəɪ)

K, k - (kəɪ)

L, l - (əl)

M, m - (əm)

N, n - (ən)

O, o - (əou)

P, p - (pɪ)

Q, q - (kɪu)

R, r  - (ɑ:) (British pronunciation);
R, r - (ɑ:r) (American pronunciation)

S, s - (əs)

T, t - (tɪ:)

U, u - (ɪu)

V, v - (vɪ:)

W, w - (dʌbəlɪu)

X, x - (əks)

Y, y - (wɑɪ)

Z, z - (zəd) (British pronunciation);
Z, z  - (zɪ:) (American pronunciation)

* Note: It's a frequent habit among the English/Americans to spell the double sounds not by voicing the same letter two times over (e.g.. oo in  "moon", nn in  "nanny", ll - in "mill", etc.). Instead they use the form denoting doubling ("double") of a given sound (double o - "moon", double n - "nanny", double l - "mill").

At the same time it should be noted and not to confuse the word of "double" with the pronunciation of the letter of W.

The English language alphabet knowledge test

With this test you can check your knowledge of the English alphabet.

Play Recording 1 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 2 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 3 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 4 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 5 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 6 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 7 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 8 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 9 and enter the letters spelled:

Play Recording 10 and enter the letters spelled:

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